Ganesh Statuette - 3 Inch

Ganesh Statuette - 3 Inch

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Product Description

Lord Ganesh, son of Shiva, is the remover of all obstacles. Images Ganesh should be placed facing the doorway to remove any hindering energy that may enter your room.

Ganesh (or "Ganesha") is a happy god who responds to all who call on his help for daily matters and spiritual advancement. Spiritual enlightenment happens when all distractions and limitations are removed. And once an enlightened state is reached, obstacles cease to exist.

In this carefully hand-carved figurine, Ganesh is sitting in meditation. This statuette is made from a lightweight resin compound of white and beige colours.

There is a popular Ganesha mantra which goes as follows: "Aum Shri Ganeshaya Namah"

If you repeat this daily for several minutes, concentrating completely on Lord Ganesha, the answers will come to you for removing any current hindrances and any future obstacles will be deflected.

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