Tibetan Prayer Bowls with Leather Wrapped Beater

Tibetan Prayer Bowls with Leather Wrapped Beater
  • Tibetan Prayer Bowls with Leather Wrapped Beater - 8 Inch Diameter
  • Tibetan Prayer Bowls with Leather Wrapped Beater - 9 Inch Diameter
  • Tibetan Prayer Bowls with Leather Wrapped Beater - 10 Inch Diamter

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Product Description

These Tibetan Prayer Bowls are hand beaten to the highest quality, and come with a leather wrapped wooden ringer to produce a superior tone.

The brass bowls produce a stunning, clear ringing tone, and are ideal for ceremonial or meditative use. They can be used either as a 'gong' by being struck, or by running the beater around the edge of the bowl, they can be made to 'sing' and produce a clear, beautiful, and penetrating tone.

The bowls come in the following three different sizes; 8 inch diameter, 9 inch diameter and 10 inch diameter.

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