Nostromo Flannel Chequered Combat Trousers

Nostromo Flannel Chequered Combat Trousers

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Product Description

These brightly coloured green, blue and red chequered trousers will certainly help you channel your inner clown!

Made from 100% brushed cotton, these combat style trousers are quite literally the most comfy things you'll ever own!

Handmade in Nepal using only traditional techniques, these combat trousers are perfect for anyone who wants to stand out from the crowd. Children's entertainer or clown? These make perfect costume. Going to a rave? You'll certainly be noticed in these! Or maybe you just want to live in comfort? Either way, these are absolutely perfect for you!

No matter what your size, chances are they will fit, as both the large and extra large stretch from about 30inches in the waist up to around 46inches at full stretch. However both can be made smaller using the drawstring. The large size has an inseam of around 74cm, while the extra large has an inseam of around 78cm.

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